Sedgemoor Gardens Club

A club for those interested
in gardening in Langport and district

Sedgemoor Gardens Club is a club for all those in the Langport area who are interested in growing plants and gardening. During the autumn/winter months (September - April) we meet once a month, on the second Tuesday, in All Saints Hall in Langport.  We have a speaker every month (except in December when we have our Christmas buffet party and quiz) who usually starts talking about 7.40 pm. Before the talk we gather from 7pm onwards to chat and take part in monthly competitions. We also have regular  seed swops and plant sales. After the talk there is time for a further chat over tea/coffee and biscuits and often a chance to buy plants from our speaker.

In March we hold our Spring Daffodil Festival in Long Sutton Village Hall. This is always a feast for the eyes, with the hall full of beautiful daffodils, tulips and sweet smelling hyacinths, as well as cakes and preserves. Although only members can enter the show, our judges are always impressed by the standard of our entries and have commented that some of our entries which fail to win prizes would in fact be prize winners in some much larger shows!

We are members of the Gardens Group Gold Club (Brimsmore is one of their garden centres) and as such get discounts and special offers on many plants and gardening items during the year. The Gold Club sponsors our website and hosts us for an evening of shopping, with 25% off everything, in May, giving us a talk with refreshments to finish off the evening. Our club outing is in June - the 2024 coach outing to Castle Drogo was a great success. In July we have a visit to a local garden, travelling in members' cars. This year's visit to the garden of Helen Toon took place on a perfect summer's evening and was enjoyed by all.

Our AGM is in September, followed by a short talk. We are a friendly bunch and would love to see some new faces so if you are interested, please contact our Secretary to find out more( Jean on 01458 259025) or, from September to April, just turn up at All Saints Hall on the second Tuesday of the month between 7 and 7.30 pm.

The cost of a year's single membership, payable in September, is £15, (£25 per couple). Members also buy a £1 lucky ticket, which then goes in the draw for a £5 garden token, at each of our meetings, and these fees allow us to pay for a wide range of interesting speakers. Non-members/visitors - £3 entrance fee.

About Us image

Date                                                                            Speaker                                                                                           Topic

September 10th 2024Sylvia & Peter GoodenoughPlants of the Somerset Hills, Levels and Moors
October 8th 2024Christina AngelucciDahlias
November 12th 2024  
Julie HaylockPlanning your Garden Borders
December 10th 2024
Christmas Buffet & Quiz    
January 14th 2025
Andy DayoneCommonwealth War Graves and their Horticulture
February 11th 2025
Gold Club SpeakerSuccess with Houseplants
March 11th 2025
 March 22nd 2025
Fred Rumsey
 Ferns in our Gardens and in the Wild

April 8th 2025
Hilary LittleIn Pursuit of the Plants of Peru
May 13th 2025    

June 10th 2025

July 8th 2025EVENING GARDEN VISITLocal NGS garden


The July Evening Garden Visit to Badbury Flowers on 16th July was a great success. 17 members enjoyed a perfect summer's evening exploring  Helen and John's beautiful garden - gardening hints and tips were exchanged and Helen demonstrated how to produce a stunning tied bouquet and buttonhole after explaining the history of Badbury Flowers. We finished our evening with chat and a plentiful, tasty buffet!

Do take a look at the 

                         The Gardens Group Gold Club page to see

    the exciting events coming up this season.....

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Members' Benefits

We are members of the Gardens Group Gold Club, which offers members 25% discount on a varied selection of bulbs and garden materials in the autumn. There is also a Discount evening in May when we are entertained in the Garden Centre with 25% of everything, tea/coffee and biscuits and a talk by a member of of the Gardens Group staff. They also provide us with daffodil  bulbs for one of the classes in our Spring Show and plug plants in April - we look forward to seeing these again in September when there is a prize for the best mature plant.  

Kelways Plant Centre gives members, 10%  off outdoor plants and shrubs on production of our membership card and we can also apply for a club discount card from Overt Locke in Somerton, who give our members a 10% discount on everything. 

Monthly Competitions These run from September to April. Members are invited to enter as many of the five classes as they can each month - up to 2 entries per member in each class. Complete the entry card provided on the evening and place it by your exhibit with your name face downwards. In each class 1st - 3rd will be awarded and given 6,4,2 points respectively. Every other entry gets one point. There are no competitions in December.  At the end of the season the winner of each class will be the member scoring the most points from 6 or less entries and garden tokens will be awarded to the winners at the AGM in September. 

Classes:   Every month two classes are the same - the Single bloom or stem is always Exhibitor’s choice and the Houseplant is always either a  flowering or foliage plant

The Flower class: 

September - 3 Dahlias or 2 sprays of Floribunda roses

October   - 3 Michaelmas daisies or 3 Dahlias

November - 2 sprays of berries or autumn foliage

January   - 2 Iris or 2 Christmas roses

February  - 3 different Hellebores or 3 different seed heads

March    - 3 different daffodils or 3 snowdrops

April     - 3 sprays of Polyanthus or 1 spray of blossom

The Vegetable class:

September - 5 runner beans or 1 cucumber or Exhibitors choice

 October -  1 cabbage or marrow or Exhibitors choice

 November - 3 carrots or potatoes or 2 Exhibitors choice 

January   - 6 sprouts or 2 cabbages or Exhibitors choice

 February  - 5 onions or 3 shallots or Exhibitors choice 

March    - 5 leeks or 1 lettuce or Exhibitors choice 

April      -1 cauliflower or 5 Spring onions or Exhibitors choice

The Fruit class:

September - 3 dessert apples or tomatoes

 October - 3 dessert pears or 3 nuts

 November - 3 dessert apples

January   - 2 cooking pears or cooking apples

 February  - Exhibitors choice (not frozen) 

March    - 3 cooking or dessert apples 

April      - 2 stalks of rhubarb

  • All Saints Hall Langport Somerset
  • Langport Somerset TA10 9RQ

Please contact our secretary, Jean, on the number above or, as she is often away (lucky thing!) ring 01458 250091/ 07903030533 to get our President

Club visit to Sutton Hosey Manor, Long Sutton in July 2022

Club visit to Exbury Gardens May 2022

Members and friends enjoyed a lovely day at Coleton Fishacre, an Arts and Crafts National Trust property in Devon, on 7th May. The weather was kind to us and we had a great time exploring the wonderful (if steep!) gardens and the fascinating house, which was dressed as if the D'Oyly Carte family still lived there.

Visit to Polden Wines 2021

Minutes of AGM 2023

                                                    SEDGEMOOR GARDENS CLUB  

                                     Minutes of the AGM held in All Saints Village Hall  

                                           Tuesday 12th September 2023 at 7.30 pm  

Our evening began with a very interesting talk given by Helen Toon on Bradbury Flowers. She spoke about the British Flower Market and where we stood in relation to the worldwide market. She gave us encouragement to look for the British flag when purchasing flowers from shops, to aid our flower industry and support the British growers.               

 The AGM began at  8.20 approx.   

Peter, in the absence of our chairman David Geach. welcomed the members to the meeting. 

Apologies:  David and Anne Geach, Barbara Elliott, Linda Biffin  

 Present:   Club Officials:  Peter Goodenough, Sylvia Goodenough, Jean White, John Tipping, Joan Tipping, Mary Bromby Club Members:  17 other club members attended.  


Minutes of the last AGM:

Matters Arising:  A question had been raised regarding the slight delay in forwarding  a copy of last years minutes and a copy of the constitution to the members, Peter apologised for this and explained the reason behind the delay. His response was accepted as a satisfactory answer. The minutes of the 2022 AGM were read, and agreed by the members present. Proposed: Neil Burrows         Seconded: Carol Birchby 

Revision to the Constitution:    In view of the current situation regarding the clubs outgoing payments, there is a need to be able to pay direct into bank accounts by the Bankers Automated Clearing System (BACS), as opposed to sending a cheque. There is a need to amend the wording on our constitution to reflect this change. Peter explained the changes of the wording to members in greater detail, in order to clarify how this would work. Members were happy with these changes and voted to agree them all. Proposer: Jill Wallace       Seconded: Linda Dodimead There were two other minor wording changes and these were also voted and agreed by members. Proposer: Bob Paton        Seconded: Andy Gay 

Chairmans  Report:   In the absence of the chairman, the report was read by the secretary, Jean.

 In Brief – Firstly David gave his and Anne’s apologies for not being able to attend as they were away on a much needed holiday. He went on to welcome old and new members and thanked them for attending. A brief account of some of the various talks were given along with helpful hints and ideas which could be tried and experienced by him and all of us. He reminded us of a memorable saying given to us during the talk about ‘Gardening Folklore’ - ‘if you can sit on the soil with your trousers down or even go naked, then its safe to sow your seed’ Next -  he mentioned our coach trips to Exbury, being a lengthy coach trip, and Forde Abbey and Gardens being a bit too close, as many of us had already been to visit there. Hopefully, our planned trip next year to Castle Drogo, will be somewhere in between. The local garden visit to the Curry Woods Conservation Trust was well attended and gave a good insight to Eco gardening, which we are encouraged to try for ourselves. The daffodil festival gave us a wonderful display of your flowers and produce and was a great success. Thanks to you all for taking part. Next ,he went on to thank the committee for its usual steadfastness, dedication and sterling work over the past 12 months or more. Thanks were given to each committee member individually for their respective roles, and for all those who helped and provided food for the Christmas buffet, also, to Sylvia for her organising of the Daffodil Festival. Thanks were also bestowed on Peter, our President, for keeping us on the straight and narrow. Finally, thanks were given to you all for attending meetings and outings and generally helping when needed. Without your core support the Club would not exist. Thank you all of you. No issues or questions were put forward. NB. This is to be read in conjunction with the full chairman's and secretary’s report. 

Treasurer’s Report 

In Brief- Mary presented the treasurer’s report and gave a comprehensive talk through the details. She had problems with her printer and apologised for the poor quality and some being coloured and some only black and white. She explained, last year only the net result for the Daffodil Festival and the Christmas Buffet were reported, whereas this year the total income and expenses are listed separately, which makes it more difficult to compare them. The net amounts are shown in parenthesis beside each of these items to assist with the comparison. Mary will continue to use this method next year. Mary went on to explain about the cancelled cheque payment for the hire of Long Sutton Village Hall, which had to be paid back into the daffodil festival section of the accounts and subsequently inflated the net amount. Both the Daffodil Festival and Christmas Buffet were very successful events, having a positive effect on our income. Expenses – The anticipated increase in the Hall Rental, did not happen and has remained the same as last year. John has done an excellent job with finding speakers and keeping their costs at a steady figure.   Our ongoing fixed expenses are approximately £1000.00, and we currently have £2827.46 in our bank account, so as we have a sound financial position the membership subscriptions will remain unchanged at £15.00 single £25.00 for a couple. No Issues were put forward. NB: to be read in conjunction with the full schedule of accounts. 

Programme Secretary’s Report John gave a comprehensive run down of the speakers arranged for the year, giving a brief description about each one. These are listed in the Membership Card. The club coach outing for 2023 will be on 11th June and the venue will be Castle Drogo. Our discount evening will be Brimsmore on 14th May. The evening visit in July has yet to be arranged. John asked members for any suggestions for speakers or for club visits.   

Show Secretary Report:   

In Brief-   Sylvia began – for the benefit of anyone unfamiliar with the club year -  by explaining when, where and why our Daffodil Festival is held in Long Sutton Village Hall, and how it is transformed into a sensory delight with all the exhibits. Entries in 2023 were slightly down but so were club members. Of our 38 members, 22 entered at least one exhibit from the total of 132 entries. 9 members entered 5 or more classes, which was great. A few classes had no entries, and haven’t for a while, so we plan to change a couple of these. Class 36 will change from home-made chutney to be for either home-made wine or sloe gin. 34 & 35, for Jam and marmalade, will be combined into one for home-made preserves. Some classes change each year so Sylvia asked for suggestions for these from the members e.g. photography, floral art, small container for floral arrangement, craft etc. Our cake recipe is provided by our judge Naomi. The bulbs you are collecting today are for the competition class 44 in next March's Show. The schedule for the 2024 Show will be available in December, and also on the website at the end of November. If you haven’t before, make 2024 the year you participate in the clubs show. NB. To be read in conjunction with the full Show Secretary Report 

Website:    Joan pointed out the website address is shown on the Membership Cards. As It is sponsored by the Gold Club there is information regarding other clubs talks which may be of interest to some. It is a good advertising platform as it reaches a wider audience. Joan asked for topics from members to put on the website and encouraged everyone to take a look. 

Election of New Committee Members and those who are willing to stand again.   

It was unanimously agreed to re-elect those committee members at the end of their term of office. These being Jean White and David Geach. No new members came forward for election. Proposer:  Bob Paton    Seconded: Linda Dodimead


Presentation of Prizes for Monthly Competitions:   Jean thanked members for taking part in the monthly competitions for last year. She explained the committee had agreed to offer a choice of prize, this being either the £5,00 garden voucher of £5.00 discount off our annual coach trip.   

The winners names were read out by the secretary and prizes presented by the President, 

Single Bloom – Jean White     -   £5.00 Discount 

Flower          - Joan Tipping   -   £5.00 Discount

 Houseplant    - Janette Gay    -   £5.00 Voucher 

Vegetable     - John Tipping    -  £5.00 Voucher 

Fruit            -  Carol Birchby   -  £5.00 Discount 

Plug Plant     - Peter Goodenough  - £5.00 Discount

 Any Other Business:   None 

Meeting closed 8.50pm approx.

 Date of Next Committee Meeting – Tuesday November 7th 2023 @ Beechfield Farm 

Refreshments. With a demonstration of flowers bouquets by Helen which were given to some lucky members.



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